DeFI the Downside

Bumper’s unique protocol protects the value of your crypto assets if the market drops, and you still capture gains if it goes back up.


Simple to use

Incremental premiums

Downside protection

Pooled liquidity

Provably fair

More flexible than alternatives

More cost efficient than Options

Bumper protects you from downside volatility in just a few clicks.

Connect your wallet, Choose a protection floor and a term length, then deposit your crypto into Bumper. You will receive a composable Bumpered Asset token which represents your protected asset with the downside volatility removed.

If the market is below the floor when your exit your position, you receive stablecoins to the value of your chosen floor. But if it rises you don’t lose out, you just claim your protected asset back.

It doesn’t matter how many times the price moves above or below the floor, all that matters is where it is when you exit your position. You need to hold BUMP tokens which are bonded into the protocol whilst your position is open, and returned after it’s closed. Learn more about BUMP tokens.

Capital Preservation and Protection

Bumper is suitable for a wide range of strategies and use cases. Whatever your crypto strategy, Bumper is the perfect tool to minimise losses and maximise gains without compromising security or paying over the top premiums.

When to Hedge with Bumper

Below are some examples of scenarios when you might want to Bumper your crypto. Click to find out more

Bumper Streamia

Bumper dynamic premiums, or streamia, work differently to virtually all other financial products in both the traditional and crypto markets. They are designed to be provably fair, price-efficient and represent good value compared to other risk markets.

Bumper’s stremia are applied to Hedge positions regardless of whether they close above the floor, or claim stablecoins in the event of finishing below the floor.

The streamia is calculated dynamically based on a range of factors, including the measured volatility during the period the position is opened.

Compare Alternatives

Bumper is a superior alternative to stop losses and more price efficient than Options Desks.

Bumper is not a stop loss

A stop loss converts your crypto asset to stablecoins or fiat when its triggered. But if the price rebounds, you end up missing out on upside gains.

Bumper preserves upside gains whilst protecting your wallets value from drops, and it does it without having to transfer your tokens to an exchange.

Bumper is not a Put Option

Bumper’s price protection is a novel alternative to complex and opaque Put Options, and have with significant benefits for both sides of the market.

Price-efficient incremental premiums replace up-front fixed costs, and the ability to utilise Bumpered assets in external DeFi protocols makes the protocol attractive to a wide range of user profiles.

Stop Loss

Put Option

Crypto Insurance


Price Protection

Stops you losing value if the market goes down

Upside Gains

Continue to profit if price goes back up

Not if triggered


Normally % of trade size

Fixed, set by seller

Fixed, set by insurer

Incremental based on market volatility

Composable Asset

Are you returned an asset which can be used in other protocols?


Exit your position at any time

Dependent on your policy

Price Protection

Stops you losing value if the market goes down


Upside Gains

Continue to profit if price goes back up

Not if triggered


Normally % of trade size

Composable Asset

Are you returned an asset which can be used in other protocols?


Price Protection

Stops you losing value if the market goes down


Upside Gains

Continue to profit if price goes back up



Fixed, set by seller

Composable Asset

Are you returned an asset which can be used in other protocols?


Price Protection

Stops you losing value if the market goes down


Upside Gains

Continue to profit if price goes back up



Fixed, set by insurer

Composable Asset

Are you returned an asset which can be used in other protocols?


Price Protection

Stops you losing value if the market goes down


Upside Gains

Continue to profit if price goes back up



Incremental based on market volatility

Composable Asset

Are you returned an asset which can be used in other protocols?


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